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May 5, 2022

Haqq Mainnet Launch with PoA consensus, private sale started

Jun 2, 2022

Gnosis Safe deployment on Haqq Mainnet

Jun 6, 2022

Haqq TestEdge Launch with PoA consensus

Jul 11, 2022

  • Haqq TestEdge transition to PoS consensus
  • Islamic Coin Shatters Records, Secures $200M In Bear Market by

Aug, 2022

150+ independent validators joined Haqq TestEdge

Sept, 2022

750 validators joined Haqq TestEdge

Dec, 2022

  • 1M Community milestone reached
  • Haqq Mobile Wallet with Ledger support released on Google Play and App Store
  • Launch of IBC – inter blockchain communication, connecting Haqq to other IBC-enabled networks
  • Gravity Bridge integrated with Haqq Network

Q1 2023

  • Bridge ISLM to Ethereum

Q2 2023

  • Finalised Private Sale
  • Secured Major Investment, including $200M from ABO Digital
  • Successfully transitioned HAQQ from PoA to PoS
  • Implemented Mnemonicless Private Key Management in HAQQ Wallet in TestFlight
  • Rolled out HAQQ Wallet in-app Web3 Browser support

Q3 2023

  • Organized First Sharia-compliant Haqqathon in Turkey

Q4 2023

  • Commenced ISLM Listing on Exchanges starting with KuCoin Exchange
  • Finalised Security audit and Launched Public release of the Social Account Login feature for HAQQ Wallet (Mnemonicless private key management)
  • Commenced ISLM minting
  • Implemented Coinpayments Integration allowing hundreds of merchants in the MENA region to use Islamic Coin as a payment method
  • Rolled out Blockchain Academy Modules 1 - 6
  • Sushiswap Launch on HAQQ
  • Activated ISLM Onramp support in HAQQ Wallet

Q1 2024

  • Implement HAQQ Wallet NFT Support
  • Rollout HAQQ Wallet ERC20 Tokens support
  • Facilitate ISLM Exchange Listings on more CEXs
  • Push for more ISLM Exchange Listings on DEXs
  • Commence Onboarding Ethical Gamefi Partners
  • Rollout Plastic & Mobile Cards for HAQQ Wallet Users in collaboration with Brighty app
  • Implement Keystone HAQQ Wallet support
  • List ISLM on Osmosis Zone seeding Pool Pairs

Q2 2024

  • Launch Gold-pegged Stablecoin on Testnet
  • Shariah Oracle Module: Development Finalisation
  • Native Swaps in HAQQ Wallet (buy & sell ISLM, BTC, ETH, ATOM and other currencies)
  • Islamic Coin Leadership Team Update
  • Launch Exclusive Ramadan NFT Collection
  • Conduct First blockchain-applied Islamic Fintech Pitching
  • List ISLM on Ethereum AMM (Uniswap)
  • Create & Operationalize United Contributors DAO to streamline ISLM Circulating Supply
  • Liquid Staking Integration (Stride)
  • Launch HAQQ Expedition II
  • NFT Marketplace Testnet

Q3 2024

  • Shariah Oracle Module: Mainnet Launch & Integration with HAQQ Wallet
  • Evergreen DAO Implementation on Testnet
  • Trading venues expansion
  • Localise HAQQ Wallet for Indonesian, Turkish Communities
  • Implement evmOS Precompiles
  • Remittance Product R&D
  • Prepaid Cards backed with ISLM and other Haqq Ecosystem Tokens
  • NFT Marketplace Mainnet
  • Extend ISLM integration to more AMMs on EVM chains
  • Conduct Second Haqqathon
  • Rollout HAQQ Academy Modules 7 - 8
  • Shariah Compliant Algorithmic Stablecoin R&D
  • DeFi powered Sukuk R&D
  • Multichain assets and cross-chain swaps in HAQQ wallet
  • Lifestyle Muslim Super App
  • GoMeat integration to go live

Q4 2024

  • Haqqex launch
  • Rollout Decentralized Identity (DID)
  • Localise HAQQ Wallet for Arabic Communities
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